What does ‘Family Constellations’ mean?

“Why use the word ‘constellation?”

Modern day constellation work started through German Bert Hellinger in the 1980s. The original German language used by early constellators needed to be translated from German into English. The nearest translation of the original German word Aufstellung was “constellation,” which means “placement, assembly.” In this context, it means the “patterns of connection between elements.” Constellations are groupings of elements within their home group. In a family constellation, these are our family members aka the family system. In an organisation or business all the roles in the organisational system. In collective work all the elements of the larger system.

It is said that Aufstellung comes from the verb stellen, which comes from stehen, meaning “to stand.” It thus also refers to the process used in constellations work. The setting up or placing of Representatives/resonators in different positions as representivatives of someone or something in the system. When the representative is tuned into the field they become instruments for information and feedback through their emotional responses.

It is important to know that being a representative is not role play. It involves a deep letting go of our own judgments and biases.Into being a pure conduit for the information that flows through your physical body as energy. Noticing the physical sensations and emotional feelings, then relaying this information to the faciltator when asked to. At times you may feel drawn to move towards or away from other representatives. Freely moving your location in the group set up as you feel drawn to. Following the flow of the energy thats presenting within you. These interactions between the various representions paint a visual picture of what energetically is present in that system. What may be limiting the growth or evolution of the individual and the bigger system.

I love this line in the dialogue: “the job of the child is to receive and to grow, and to play”. It aligns with the principles of Family Constellation work, specifically the law of

precedence, and the law of giving and taking from the “Orders of Love”.

Parents give and children receive, and the first gift of the parent to the child is the gift of life itself. I am so grateful to my ancestors for this gift, and it feels right to pay it forward.

Whenever this Sacred Order of giving and receiving is transgressed (eg when the child takes on the role of parent for a needy parent), the family system becomes unstable and conflict ensues.

Systemic Contellations is such expansive work, its very transferable to explore issues in many areas. Family, Business, organisations, Collective, Enviromental. There are a multitude of ways this work is being used because of its way of tapping into an infinite source of information from the field. I’ll explain more on ‘The Field’ in my next post

This naming ‘Constellations’ has caused some awkwardness for systemic constellation work finding its place in the English-speaking world. People often wonder whether it is about astrology. To avoid confusion some practitioners of this work (especially with organizations), while using the systemic principles and processes, never use the name itself in their work. My preference is Family Systems Constellations for inter-generational family issues. Social media currently uses the words Ancestral healing. For business or organisation I prefer Business Systems Constellations

4 thoughts on “What does ‘Family Constellations’ mean?

  1. I’ll admit my understanding of the work you do was coloured by the word, ‘constellation’. I’m guilty of associating Family Constellations with astrology. I wish I asked you for a clearer explanation sooner. With this clarification post, I have a much clearer idea of its workings. Thanks for that.
    With the type of meditation I practice, samatha, suspension of assessment, judgement, and all thought has to be disregarded and that attention placed on the object. All manner of energies let lose during my sittings; kaleidoscopic visuals, heat/cold/tingling, kinetic pressure and the list goes on. These are all treated as distractions because the goal is to focus attention without distraction.
    Now I’m curious whether these distractions may have meaning from your point of view..
    Would love to discuss the next time we connect..

  2. Yes I agree with what you say about the word constellation being confusing. The spacial representation is so important and gives the facilitator so many clues. Which is why Bert must have used the word Constellations. I must say I like the name family constellations and it’s not because I am a Vedic Astrologer. I know Bert Hellinger called it Spiritual Constellations and Movement of the Spiritual Mind but he came back to Family Constellations. I am glad you are still active and working in this field. The fact that you have come up with this viewpoint is great – having discussions is great. If Business Systems Constellations works for you then that’s great. Keep on going forward!!!!

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